Room Acoustics Simulation

Acoustee is your on-demand solution for designing and evaluating the acoustics of enclosed spaces, such as auditoriums, theaters, concert halls, and music studios. The Acoustee application was developed to simplify the process of computer modeling for your room and to visualize its acoustic performance.

Designing the perfect acoustics

Acoustee understands that every space requires a unique acoustic design. We simulate the acoustic performance of enclosed spaces using the best technology to ensure the best results. Enhance your audio experience with Acoustee, making the sound quality of your room exceptional. 

Evaluation for the entire audience

Visualization of acoustic parameters for the entire audience, calculated according to ISO 3382-1. SPL, G, T30, EDT, C50, C80, D50, TS, LF, LFC, LG, STE, STL, impulse responses, and decay curves. Use Acoustee to optimize your room project for its intended purpose, even during the design stage and before construction or renovation.

By using the Acoustee application, freely downloaded from the Download section, along with the ACF file containing the simulation results, which can be purchased in the Simulation section, you can visualize and evaluate the predicted acoustic behavior of the room. This allows you to determine whether the desired acoustic quality has been achieved or if further adjustments are needed for your project. 

Learn more

Please refer to the userguide available in the Download section, or send us an email with your questions to learn more about Acoustee.